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Downloadable Software
- 21st Century: Sailing Simulator - now includes multi-player version
- AeroHydro: Marine design and 3-d modeling software including MultiSurf, for Windows (commercial)
- AeroLogic: Loftsman airplane and hull lofting software, (commercial + plus free demo)
- AutoCAD free demos available
- BaseLine Technology - BaseLine II hull fairing system, for MS-DOS (free demo)
- Beken, Danny tidal navigation program for the English Channel
- Blue Peter Marine Systems: Hullform hull design software, including public domain obsolete version
- Calculators of many types on-line
- Carlson, Gregg: SailForm Freeware 3-D sail visualization and design program
- Carlson, Gregg: Hull Designer for Windows Chined hull design program, up to six chines, expands planks, .DXF and HPGL output. (Freeware)
- Collard, Eric - HullCAO, computer aided hull design, for Windows (free demo)
- Creative Systems, Inc.: general and basic hydrostatics ship and boat stability software
- Dominic, Joe: BtDzn - for MS-DOS (needs EasyCAD/FastCAD program)
- Formation Design Systems: Maxsurf range of advanced computer aided design, analysis and construction software, free demo for Macintosh and Windows
- Friendship systems: parametric hull design software
- Ginsberg, Harold: NACA Foils for Boats & Ships NACA4GEN shareware foil generating program
- HullDrag32 hull resistance calculator for monohulls, under development
- Kockums Computer Systems (KCS) - Tribon, for Windows and UNIX Workstations (commercial)
- Lainé, Robert - CARENE 40 & 50, hull fairing programs for Windows (hard chine hulls) (shareware)
- Lainé, Robert - Sailcut Sail design and plotting program - free evaluation copies
- Lug Rig software: navigational software - most programs need Windows 95
- Martínez, Humberto: CAD system (Mac/Windows 95)
- MAXSURF free demonstration from Graphic Magic
- Nautilus hull fairing and lofting programs, including free demos
- Navigation software from Inrete
- Performance of surface-piercing propellers, in QuickBasic, by Fishmeal
- Performance prediction for speed under sail, with free demos
- Pro Mar software: shareware navigation software
- Proteus Engineering FastYacht/FastShip, FlagShip ship design software, including hullform design, structures, powering, stability, maneuvering, and cost estimating, with free demos (for Windows)
- Schwenn, Peter - FastYacht, velocity prediction program for PC and UNIX (optional hull design module)
- Tri-Coastal Marine Software AutoDock marine utility for AutoCAD, Atalanta integrated marine design and manufacture inside AutoCAD
- Vacanti Yacht Design - Prolines, for Windows (not free)
- Viagrafix: DesignCAD free demo for Windows 95 or NT
- Vilmin, Emmanuel: SHAPE3D - Surfboard and sailboard design and drawing program (+ download)
- WB-Sails Ltd - MacSail, for Mac
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