ST.CLAIR OF ROSLIN, Alexander - Manuscript poems in Advocates’ Library, Edinburgh.
ST.CLAIR, A.B. - Russian Imperial Freedom versus Turkish Constitutional Liberty, London, 1877, octavo
ST.CLAIR, ANDREW, M.D., Edinburgh., 1733. - Histories of Fever, &c" Ed. Med. Ess.
ST.CLAIR, ANGELINE SOPHIA. - "Senora Ines, or the American Volunteers"
ST.CLAIR, ARTHUR, Maj.-Genl. - "Narrative of the manner in which the Campaign against the Indians in the year 1791 was conducted under the command of Major-General St.Clair; with his observations on the statements of the Sec. of War", Phila., 1872, octavo
ST.CLAIR, ARTHUR, Lieut., U.S. - "Two years on the Alabama", Gay and Bird, 1896.
ST.CLAIR, A. - John L.M. Lawrence, Viceroy of India. London, 1887, cr. octavo
ST.CLAIR, CHARLES FERDINAND, Baron de. - See page 471.
ST.CLAIR, DAVID, Paris, 1622. - See Historiette, page 465.
ST.CLAIR, GEORGE. - I Darwinism and Design; or Creation by Evolution. London, 1873, p. octavo
2. Evil, Physical and Moral ("Modern Handbooks of Religion") London, 1887, 12mo.
ST.CLAIR, HENRY, Bishop of Ross, died 1565. - Continuation of Boece's "History of Scotland"
ST.CLAIR, JOHN. - Appeal to Parents on the Education of their Children; 2nd. edition, Glasgow, 1874, octavo
ST.CLAIR, JOHN, Bishop of Brechin, died 1566. - Sinclair's "Practicks" a legal work contained in manuscript in the Advocates' Library.
ST.CLAIR, JOHN, Master of Sinclair, died 1750 - "Memoirs of the Rebellion of 1715" published by the Roxburghe Club, 1858.
ST.CLAIR, LADY HARRIET. - Dainty Dishes, 3rd edition Edin. 1866, p. octavo Phila., 1867, 1mo.
ST.CLAIR, MARY - Somebody and Nobody: a Tale. London, 1871, p. octavo
ST.CLAIR, ROBERT, M.D. - 1. The Abyssinian Philosophy Considered and Refuted; or Telluris Theoria neither Sacred nor agreeable to Reason. London, 1697, octavo
- 2. Eruptions of Fire in Italy, etc., Phil. Transactions; 1698.
ST.CLAIR, ROLAND WILLIAM, - "Annuals of the N.Z. Amateur Swimming Association" 1891-92 to 1894-55
- "The St. Clairs of the Isles", Auckland, N.Z., 1898.
ST.CLAIR, S.G.B. AND C.H. BROPHY. - Residence in Bulgaria. London, 1869, octavo
ST.CLAIR, T.S. - Residence in the West Indies and America. London, 1834, 2 vols, octavo
SAINT CLAR, ROBERT - The Metropolitan; or know thy neighbour. New York, 1865, cr. octavo
SAINTE CLAIRE, ARTHUR M, DR. - On the Causes of the Terminal differences affecting the Gender of French Nouns. Ed in., 1878, octavo
SINCLARE, GEORGE, PROF. - See Historiette, page 466.
SINCLAIR, SIR ARCH'D - Some Thoughts upon the Present State of Affairs. 1703, quarto
SINCLAIR, ALEX (Ulbster) - Historical, Genenlogical, and Miscellaneous Tracts, octavo N.D.
SINCLAIR, CAPTAIN ARCH'D. - Reminiscences of the Discipline, Customs, and Usages of the Royal Navy, 1814 to 1831, sm. octavo N.D.
SINCLAIR, CATHERINE (1800-1864) - 1. Modern Accomplishments, or the March of Intellect.
- 2 Shetland and the Shetlanders.
- 3 Wales and the Welsh.
- 4 Scotland and the Scotch (republished in America, and translated into various languages).
- 5 Holiday House (once very popular with children}, and some twenty other publications.
SINCLAIR, CHEVALIER VON - A notable German dramatist.
SINCLAIR, F.S., M.A. - Cambridge Natural History, vol. 5, Myriapods, 1896.
SINCLAIR, JOHN - "Scenes and Stories of the North of Scotland," cr. octavo, Heather Bells" etc.
SINCLAIR, JAMES, 52ND EARL OF CAITHNESS (1821-1881) -Lectures on Popular and Scientific Subjects. 1877. 2nd. edition, 1879.
SINCLAIR, JAMES AUGUSTUS, 54TH EARl OF CAITHNESS. - MS on the family history of the north of Scotland.
SINCLAIR, JOHN, vocalist (1791-1857) - Composer of "Come, sit ye doon", "The Bonnie Breast Knots", "The Mountain Maid", "Johnny Sands", etc., etc.
SINCLAIR, JAMES LEASK, died 1896, and
SINCLAIR, MARY MOWAT - "Orcadian Rhymes", Kelso, 1864, and a considerable quantity of fugitive verse
SINCLAIR, MRS. FRANCIS - " Hawaiian Flowers," quarto
SINCLAIR, REV JOHN, Archdeacon of Middlesex (1797-1875) - "Dissertations vindicating the Church of England", 1836;
- "Life and Times of Sir John Sinclair", 1837;
- Vindication of the Apostolical Succession", 1861;
- Letters and Reports on National Education", 1861.
SINCLAIR, REV WILLIAM SINCLAIR (1804-1875) - 1 The Dying Soldier: A Tale Founded on Facts", 1838.
2. "Manual of Family and Occasional Prayers", 1854.
3 "The Sepoy Mutinies: their Origin and Cure", 1857.
4 "Charges of Archdeacon Sinclair of Middlesex", 1876.
SINCLAIR, SIR WILLIAM, Baronet of Dunbeath, 1751 - Composer of 60 Hymns. See Historiette, page 468.
SINCLAIR, SIR GEORGE, Baronet of Ulbster, died 1865 - Various works.
SINCLAIR, SIR JOHN, Baronet of Ulbster, died, 1835 - See Historiette, page 470.
SINCLAIR, THOMAS M.A. - The Sinclairs of England; The Gunns; Caithness Events, 1894; Poems; The Messenger; The Mount; Love's Trilogy; Goddess Fortune, 3 vols; Quest; Essays in Three Kinds; Travel Sketch; Humanities; Humanitatstuidien.
SINCLAIR, THE HON. ANDREW, M.D., died 1861 - "Remarks on Physalia pelagica" (Tasmaninan Journal of Natural Science, vol 1, 1842), and a letter "On the Vegetation of Auckland" (Hooker's "Journal of Botany", vol. 3, 1851).