I, WILLIAM ST.CLAIR OF ROSLIN, Esquire, taking into my consideration that the Masons in Scotland did, by several deeds, constitute and appoint William and Sir William St.Clairs of Roslin, my ancestors, and their heirs, to be patrons, protectors, judges, or masters; and that my holding or claiming any such jurisdiction, right, or privilege, might be prejudicial to the craft and vocation of Masonry, whereof I am a member, and I being desirous to advance and promote the good and utility of the said craft of Masonry to the utmost of my power, DO THEREFORE HEREBY, for me and my heirs, renounce, quit-claim, overgive and discharge all right, claim or pretence that I, or my heirs, had, have; or anyways may have, pretend to or claim, to be patron, protector, judge, or master of the Masons in Scotland, in virtue of any deed or deeds made and granted by the said Masons, or of any grant or charter made by any of the Kings of Scotland to and in favour of the said William and Sir William St.Clairs of Roslin, my predecessors; or any other manner of way whatsoever, for now and ever; And I bind and oblige me and my heirs, to warrand this present renunciation and discharge at all hands:
And I consent to the registration hereof in the books of Council and Session, or any other Judge's books competent, therein to remain for preservation; and hereto I constitute my procurators, etc.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have subscribed these Presents (written by David Maul, Writer to the Signet) at Edinburgh, the twenty-fourth day of November one thousand seven hundred and thirty-six years, before these witnesses, George Fraser, deputy-auditor of the Excise in Scotland, master of the Canongate Lodge, and William Montgomery, merchant in Leith, master of the Leith Lodge.
George Fraser, Canongate Kilwinning, witness.
William Montgomery, Leith Kilwinning, witness.