Yacht Research Homepage
This is the homepage for an informal group of people interested in yacht research and its dissemination. Most of these people do this for their hobby, or at college, and many are working alone, isolated from similar enthusiasts.
This site will serve as a discussion and meeting place, where people with similar interests can give details of their own research and read about each others, and discuss them.
It is hoped that those members of the group with their own webspace will have a link here, and that those without will place their material here.
Membership is informal, and is open to anyone interested in any aspect of yacht research (note "research", not "racing"). Anyone who wishes to contribute relevant material is welcome to do so. Anyone who wishes to contribute relevant and constructive comments or written discussion to any of the articles on the site is welcome to submit them.
I hope that (in time) there will be a number of articles here, each followed by a written discussion. However, we are only just starting up. Anything could happen. YOU could make it happen.
If you think that the list looks a bit bare, then that means that there is SPACE FOR YOUR OWN ARTICLE, so please contribute one.
If you would like to contribute material to this page then please contact Fiona Sinclair on e-mail to:fnsnclr@gmail.com
Yacht Research articles on this site
Links to Yacht Research on other sites
Note that inclusion in this group of links does not imply membership of any group or organisation.
- Ansar, Anders: Homepages - Skate sailing in wings, Tactical compasses for racing sail boats, Picture library
- Baff's Home Page Building a Wharram Tiki 21
- Bblacksh: building Toad Hall, based on 1883 W. P. Stevens designed 18' cutter yawl
- Beattie, Andrew: Kite flying, including the new Chevron traction kite article and lots of links to other kiting sites
- Bell, John: Boatyard
building log of Bolger Windsprint
Beng's homebuild Boatbuilding projects
Berger, Robert: building a Bolger Windsprint and 15' Cat Runabout
Bigras, Tony: 48' cruising catamaran Osram VII being built now for planned cruise from Vancouver to Fiji in 1999
Bolger, Phil: Common Sense Design's home page
BOOTIFUL: 60' catamaran built on windsurfing principles, designed as Speed Record contender.
Brown, Russell: proas KAURI and JZERO
Brummer, Mikko: JavaScript Spreadsheet for sail power calculations
Busenbarrick, David: the building of a 46.6' Crowther 150MKII catamaran, with photos at various stages
Carlson, Gregory: has built several Bolger boats (Pirogue, Sneakeasy, Brick) using his own hull design program, with photos
CH++- a project to develop a new single handed racing dinghy
Culnane, Doug: Investigations into aspects of the design of an Int. Moth
Culp, Dave: Speedsailing page, includes kite driven proas, photos and the texts of several conference papers and magazine articles
Decavitator: the fastest human powered hydrofoil around, the full details
Derby, Roger: building 34' dory
Dierking, Gary: Te Wa Micronesian proa
Dremsen:building the Gloucester Light Dory, an illustrated account
Dunlop, Paul: Bernard Smith's Amazing Sailboats
DynaYacht: canting ballast twin foil (CBTF) technology
Eisenstadt, Mike: building 15' daysailer Titmouse
ENSTA: record-breaking tri-foiler Techniques Avancees
Failla, Marco: Open Cat project
Fishwick, Simon: Has a 15' experimental proa
Flapfoil: Proteus the Penguin Boat, flipper propelled.
Foxxaero: the world's most radical boats designs
Gary's solo righting device for catamarans
George's Stitch & Glue Kayak Builder's Journal, Illustrated story of building a stitch and glue kayak, the author's first boatbuilding attempt
Gennette, Allan Bruce: Building a 44' Bruce Roberts steel ketch
GOALS: Global Online Adventure Learning Site
Gonneau, Daniel: homebuilt Bolger Long Micro
Goodey, Thomas: Has a photo of his 15 m catamaran, 'Dressed For Dinner', with details of its voyages
Great Cardboard Boat Regatta: including many events in many places
Griffin Family: Amateur Boatbuilding Page from Alaska
Gutsche, Gunter: includes a gravity-powered canting ballast keel system
Hellewell, Ken: Cruising in TOPAZ, with details of cruises and rebuilding
Henry, Scott: junk-rigged catamaran, Dragon Wings
Hepperle, Martin: Turbulators for drag reduction.
Hobbs, Robert: DynaWing, an asymmetric wingsail project.
Holtrop, John: boat designs, including a database of 800 monohulls.
Hord, Dave: preparing to sail to Bahamas single-handed, from scratch.
INNOVOILE: speed record contender
IOLA: Inventor's Online Associates - details of many projects
Jardine, Ray: Kayak Construction with Aerospace Composites for the Home Workshop
Karschulin, Othmar: multihull projects (in German)
Keiper, Dave: Sailing Hydrofoils, including Williwaw and Stormy Petrel
Kiteski World homepage
Kohnen, John: Six-Hour Canoe
Kruschandl, Nelson ocean going solar powered catamaran
Linderson, Torbjörn: Trinity Flyer, Swedish multihull champion
Locker, Phil: Foils - an accumulation of odds and sods on building dinghy foils
Magellan Challenge - around the world in a power boat in 2001. New participants still welcome
Margail, Jean: Self lifting catamaran from France
Martin, Andrew: Air flow around a crash helmet
Maston, Rick: Outriggers for canoes
Matthew: reproduction of John Cabot's ship which sailed from Bristol to Newfoundland in 1496
Morgan, Owen: yacht Naomi J - new site under development
Naslund, Sebastian: built yacht Arrandir (14') and crossed the Atlantic
NoIdea: an illustrated account of building a 57' ferro-cement ocean cruiser
Oman, John: attempted circumnavigation, halted by collision
O'Donnell, Craig: Cheap Pages, proas, sailing canoes, Chinese lugsails, plywood boats, odd sails from polytarp, strange boats, bamboo info, more
Pacific Tailboats the boats that swim like fish
PARADOX: a trimaran for the disabled, by Andy Liddiard
Perry, John: club for experimental dinghy sailing in south east U.K.
Polynesian Catamaran Association: Wharram Cats admirers club
Profm: building a Wood Epoxy sailing canoe, with details of the sailing rig
Quinton, Gen: BOATEK wingsails
Rahders, Richard: PUMPKINSEED, from Santa Cruz Solar Racing Group, with lots of pictures
Rantilla, Ron: Front rowing oar system
RAVE: 16' hydrofoil trimaran, by WindRider of WindLine
Roberts, Graham: Land Sailing - Ohope Beach Sand Sailers
Roberts, Steve: Microship - a pedal/solar/sail micro-trimaran.
Refsnes, Arnulf: Two-man kite-powered catamaran
Roesler, Cory: Kiteski homepage
Ronin multihulls project: designing a 140' yacht to race around the world.
Sanderson, Simon: 60' catamaran built on windsurfing principles, designed as Speed Record contender.
Savineau, Cedric: Speed sailing
Siebert, Ben: SailingCats charter company & Pro Kennex Virtual Meeting Room
Ships that Fly: book and CDROM on a century of hydrofoil development
Stevenson's Experimental boats - including solar cat and electric hydrofoil
Thompson family's circumnavigation of the Pacific in 50' yacht Victoria
Trampofoil: human powered hydrofoil
Trans-Oceanic Rowing Expedition: Mick Bird's attempted first solo circumnavigation by rowing boat
Upton, Ken: Rotating kites - a sort of kite wind turbine
Vogtman, Lee: Condor 40 Trimaran
Wacker: futuristic multipurpose trimaran designed for home-building
Walker Wingsails homepage
Warren, Ted: Tiny Dancer, 21 foot proa
Wharram, James: Polynesian catamaran homepage
Whittaker, Giles: foil stabilised sail craft
Yacht Design Website: projects from designers around the world
York, Anthony: Slender racing yachts project (from Strathclyde University)
Zockra: world speed record contender from France
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e-mail to:fnsnclr@gmail.com